Synergies and complementarities with European programmes: Seals of Excellence

Axencia Galega de Innovación


Service ID:

Service description

Assistance to promote synergies and complementarities with the Horizon Europe Programme and other European R&D&I programmes or initiatives is provided through the funding of outstanding proposals that have been awarded the Seal of Excellence by the European Commission (Seal of Excellence Rescue). The regulatory frameworks aim to foster synergies with the Horizon Europe Programme and other European R&D&I initiatives, allowing for European co-financing through the ERDF. The objective is to align regional specialisation with major European priorities, intensifying interregional collaboration. Simultaneously, efforts are directed towards an efficient funding model for the Galician Innovation Ecosystem, combining public funds for R&D&I appropriately. This approach aligns with EC guidelines (“Synergies between Horizon Europe and ERDF programs,” 202/C 421/03). One outlined aid focuses on financing proposals awarded the EC’s Seal of Excellence (SoE). Regional support follows international participation, using the evaluation obtained to ensure support for excellent proposals. The SoE is a quality certification for proposals meeting EC criteria but facing budget constraints. It acknowledges the proposal’s value, aiding other funders. These aids target the SoE within Horizon Europe. The 11th provision of the Law 14/2011 allows direct subsidies for internationally evaluates projects. The Galician Innovation Agency plans to support co-financing international R&D&I proposals funded by the EIC. This support demands flexibility, ensuring compatibility with regulations. This form of regional support, accompanying the international scheme, is not in these regulatory bases and will be separate.

Sector agnostic
Technology Readiness Level
TRL 4 – Technology validated in lab
TRL 5 – Technology validated in relevant environment
TRL 6 – Technology demonstrated in relevant environment
TRL 7 – System prototype demonstration in operational environment
TRL 8 – System complete and qualified
TRL 9 – Actual system proven in operational environment
Disclaimer related to service

Access to this service is determined through competitive calls. To ascertain the relevant criteria, including elibibility requirements, application bases, and deadlines, interested parties are advised to consult the guidelines. It is essectial for EIC beneficiaries to maintain their headquearters or have an office located in Galicia.

Financial requirements

Free of charge. EIC beneficiaries must have their HQ or workplace in Galicia.