Medical device engineering



Service ID:

Service description

Consonance specialises in medical device engineering services by joining electronic and mechanical engineering in a single Medtech project. We boast a top-notch team of electronic engineers, embedded software developers, biomedical specialists, and mechanical engineers. Our staff have a track record in developing a wide range of therapeutic and diagnostic devices. We are ISO 13485 certified in the field of design, prototyping, and engineering medical devices. We also have an in-house team of regulatory experts. Thanks to this certification and expertise, we can ensure that the entire design and development process of your medical device is conducted in line with all appropriate regulatory requirements and standards.

Health and medical care
Technology Readiness Level
TRL 1 – Basic principles observed
TRL 2 – Technology concept formulated
TRL 3 – Experimental proof of concept
TRL 4 – Technology validated in lab
TRL 5 – Technology validated in relevant environment
TRL 6 – Technology demonstrated in relevant environment
Financial requirements

The charge for services is individually adapted to the stage of the TLR / project development and project scope. We use a fixed-price model which means we take the responsibility to finish stages in time and within the budget.