Support to Commercialisation



Service ID:

Service description

An ongoing matchmaking service targeting EIC beneficiaries, wherein this service offers access for signed-up EIC beneficiaries to the EIT Manufacturing ecosystem, aimed at increased market opportunities. More specifically, EIT Manufacturing will provide a tailored programme including: A.1) Qualified introductions to potential relevant commercial partners, via: - Some in-person or online matchmaking events; - Access to corporate innovation challenges; -Invitation to join EIT Manufacturing networking events, European networking with peers and industry partners. Other Add-on Optional services within this package, that may also be offered to beneficiaries that choose to (one or both of the below), should they already have the main service above chosen: A.2) Training on Protection of IP/IP Management; A.3) Business Plan Improvement: Review/Analysis of Value Proposition, Review and Improvement of Business Strategies and target Customer segments (Geographical and Industrial). The main target audiences are EIC Beneficiaries with TRL 6 and above. The implementation will be hybrid (Online/Direct) conducted via (a) dedicated EIT Manufacturing point(s) of contact.

Technology Readiness Level
TRL 1 – Basic principles observed
TRL 2 – Technology concept formulated
TRL 3 – Experimental proof of concept
TRL 4 – Technology validated in lab
TRL 5 – Technology validated in relevant environment
TRL 6 – Technology demonstrated in relevant environment
TRL 7 – System prototype demonstration in operational environment
TRL 8 – System complete and qualified
TRL 9 – Actual system proven in operational environment
Disclaimer related to service

These services are offered through EIT Manufacturing personnel (points of contact) that are directly based in its Regional offices across Europe and/or its Headquarters. (Each regional office caters to specific geographies (countries that are signatories to the Horizon Europe programme), and cross-regional liaison is also possible for relevant activities.) Link: The services may only be offered to companies that fit the strategic objectives of EIT Manufacturing and associated/partner manufacturing entities. For more information, please click here: EIC Beneficiary applicants should note that under the usual circumstances, the support period is expected to last 2-12 months, depending on the needs of the startups and service requirement. Nevertheless, the period may be adjusted depending on the requirements of EIC Beneficiary applicants and the EIC Partner’s capacity at that moment in time, keeping in mind this Partnership Programme’s duration and timeline as well (e.g., the period will be reduced/increased). All service periods will be assessed on an individual basis.

Financial requirements

The pricing for the services offered as support to the EIC beneficiary, for the pre-defined period of support assessed on a case-by-case basis, are as follows: Services A)Support to Commercialisation -A.1) Qualified introductions to potential relevant commercial partners: €5000. Other Add-on Optional Service(s) in Services A):A.2) Training on Protection of IP, IP Management: €5000; A.3) Business Plan Improvement: €10000.