Business plan development



Service ID:

Service description

The overall goal of the service is to support the update and the development of a business plan, in particular to provide insights on some of its main elements (e.g. market analysis, business model, financials) and prepare an investment memorandum. Fasttrack’s business experts will actively collaborate with the company’s team during all the necessary steps, following co-creation approach in order to team up with the knowledge and expertise acquired by the company’s team members. The main steps to reach the above describe goal are the following: 

• Collection and analysis of already existing/prepared documents and data;

• Initial definition of the workplan (draft) in terms of areas of improvement, structure and purpose of the new document;

• Discussion of the draft workplan, validation of its detailed structure, and definition of KPIs to monitor progress during the implementation stage;

• Drafting of the final deliverable through constant interaction with the company’s team.

Sector agnostic
Technology Readiness Level
TRL 4 – Technology validated in lab
TRL 5 – Technology validated in relevant environment
TRL 6 – Technology demonstrated in relevant environment
TRL 7 – System prototype demonstration in operational environment
TRL 8 – System complete and qualified
TRL 9 – Actual system proven in operational environment
Financial requirements

According to the required effort, the pricing is €9000, but it can be adapted following our tailored approach