3-Day Innovation Culture Workshop

Vinco Innovation AS


Service ID:

Service description

Join our 3-day Mastery Workshop tailored for EIC Transition and Accelerator innovators committed to unlocking the power of Innovation Culture within their organizations. Across three intensive days, participants will cultivate an understanding of innovation culture and its pivotal role in fostering continuous innovation. Day one delves into how questioning lies at the core of innovation, day two explores the fundamental component of diversity, and day three focuses on networking and experimentation as vital elements in cultivating an innovative culture. Additionally, we'll introduce you to the Vindi Innovation Indicator, a comprehensive tool designed to assess your organization’s innovation ambiance. Benefit from tailored guidance and discover how taking calculated risks, testing new ideas, and learning from both successes and failures can create an environment where innovation thrives. Gain practical insights into fostering a psychologically safe environment that cultivates employees’ curiosity and empowers them to initiate or oversee tests. By the end, EIC beneficiaries will possess a clear and compelling understanding of how to foster innovation behavior and culture within their organizations to ensure long-term innovation success. In today’s highly volatile market, understanding how to create and maintain a nurturing culture is imperative for securing long-term growth and success. Led by dedicated business experts, this hands-on workshop ensures personalized support and practical insights. Tailored to your organization’s unique needs, this offline workshop offers a transformative journey towards sustainable success. Reach out for a non-obligatory proposal and embark on this journey with us.

Sector agnostic
Technology Readiness Level
TRL 4 – Technology validated in lab
TRL 5 – Technology validated in relevant environment
TRL 6 – Technology demonstrated in relevant environment
TRL 7 – System prototype demonstration in operational environment
TRL 8 – System complete and qualified
TRL 9 – Actual system proven in operational environment
Disclaimer related to service

While our workshops are designed to provide valuable insights and guidance, the success of implementing strategies discussed during the workshop may vary depending on individual circumstances and external factors beyond our control. Additionally, any references to past performance or success stories are for illustrative purposes only and should not be construed as a guarantee of future results.

Financial requirements

The 3-day workshop price is €2400 + MVA per attendee. * Enrolling more participants from your company will enhance the program’s impact on our organization and also prompting you a 10% discount for groups of two or more. ** The price covers lunch and refreshments during full-day sessions, along with course materials. Dinner and beverages after session three will come in addition. Take contact with us for a tailored and obligation-free proposal to fit your organisation’s unique needs.