HiSeedTech - Association for Knowledge Valorisation is a not-for-profit organisation based in Portugal, whose mission is to foster the creation of social and economic value from R&D carried out within the European deep tech innovation ecosystem. Currently, funded by 20 member companies across various business sectors. HiSeedTech initiatives are grounded upon a collaborative network that links companies, researchers, investors, and start-ups to bridge the gap between science and the market. To perpetuate its mission and create value for its stakeholders, HiSeedTech offers training and mentoring to researchers and training, executive coaching, and brokerage services to companies. Our differentiation is by operating in a logic of solving companies' challenges rather than placing research projects on the market and we are focused on science-based innovation (deep-tech) to generate business opportunities. HiSeedTech team has 19 years of experience in deep tech training and mentoring, helping researchers cross the valley of death, was recognised with the Price Foundation Innovative Entrepreneurship Educators Award from Stanford University, and has recently joined the EIT Deep Talent Initiative as a pledger.