Coaching & Mentoring



Service ID:

Service description

An ongoing weekly implemented coaching and mentoring service targeting EIC Pathfinder and Transition Beneficiaries. RDI Hub is sector agnostic and can support individuals and companies from FinTech, TourismTech, Sustainability, Agritech, and Sustainability. The service aims to support EIC Beneficiaries in the development of their business ideas and technologies from an early stage. Office Hours provide a safe space for early-stage founders to get feedback on their startup ideas through guidance and signposting on the different supports available within the start-up ecosystem, within and outside Ireland. The mentoring sessions can be conducted online or offline and have a duration of 1 hour per session. The service will address the enhancement of innovative ideas, offer support by conducting due diligence and providing feedback on your idea, help scout available start-up supports and connections in the start-up ecosystem, etc. The signposting and connections are primarily done in Ireland but can expand to the rest of Europe depending on the needs of the EIC Beneficiaries. RDI Hub Entrepreneur in Residence is Hugh Reynolds who has had three exists from Havok, Kore, and Swerve along with working in Apple HQ and Uber in San Francisco will provide the coaching.

Technology Readiness Level
TRL 1 – Basic principles observed
TRL 2 – Technology concept formulated
TRL 3 – Experimental proof of concept
TRL 4 – Technology validated in lab
TRL 5 – Technology validated in relevant environment
Disclaimer related to service

Mode of implementation is hybrid, but EIC beneficiaries can also participate only online.

Financial requirements

Daily rate €900. Hourly rate €150.