Regulatory intelligence

Sandwalk BioVentures S.L.


Service ID:

Service description

This service entails the identification of the best regulatory category for the EIC beneficiary’s technology and requirements checklist. The deliverable is a report/slide deck. The expected outcomes are clear regulatory allocation of technologies and a checklist of requirements to be fulfilled, alongside a suggested implementation roadmap. The value and impact of the service for EIC beneficiaries are to have certainty about the best regulatory pathway to commercialise their technologies and about the requirements to be fulfilled to place them on the market. Publicly available example can be found here:

Sector agnostic
Technology Readiness Level
TRL 1 – Basic principles observed
TRL 2 – Technology concept formulated
TRL 3 – Experimental proof of concept
TRL 4 – Technology validated in lab
TRL 5 – Technology validated in relevant environment
TRL 6 – Technology demonstrated in relevant environment
TRL 7 – System prototype demonstration in operational environment
TRL 8 – System complete and qualified
TRL 9 – Actual system proven in operational environment
Financial requirements

A package price at a reduced rate: €6000.