CRAASH Barcelona Acceleration Programme



Service ID:

Service description
CRAASH Barcelona is a 3-month accelerator programme that helps both research teams and start-ups launch successful Medical Device, Diagnostic and Digital Health innovations to improve health and patient care. It aims at developing and validating the business model and market of projects at TRL 4-6, facilitating the acceleration of their healthcare innovations towards commercialisation and clinical practice. From September to December, every team needs to dedicate around 40 hours of weekly work (with mentors, speakers, investors, stakeholders and “homework”). Teams must have at least 3 members: a clinical, a technical and an entrepreneurial profile with no previous experience needed. CRAASH Barcelona is based on the model for accelerating translational medical research and in the lean start-up methodology. CRAASH Barcelona, in collaboration with CIMIT, is designed to follow a concrete path and methodology: it starts with a validation phase (Customer Discovery, Customer Development, Personalized Mentorship and Masterclasses), followed by a European immersion phase (EU Ecosystem immersion, Fundraising and Storytelling) and, finally a US immersion phase (Us ecosystem, US investors and personalized Mentorship). The EIC beneficiaries have the opportunity to travel to Boston and meet investors and relevant stakeholders. The programme will run once a year with hybrid implementation: The Validation Phase and the immersion phases are delivered online and in-person.
Digital Health
Medical Devices
Technology Readiness Level
TRL 3 – Experimental proof of concept
TRL 4 – Technology validated in lab
TRL 5 – Technology validated in relevant environment
TRL 6 – Technology demonstrated in relevant environment
Disclaimer related to service

CRAASH Barcelona will consider the following criteria when evaluating applications: Overall project quality, Market opportunity and business potential, pathway to impact and team resources.

Financial requirements

€26000/beneficiary. Free of charge for beneficiaries from the BioRegion of Catalonia.